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As a homeowners' association, we are chartered by our Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions document. It lays out the basics of our governance, management of common areas, owner responsibilities and privileges, and property use restrictions. Provided here is a scanned copy of the legal document filed at the Travis County Clerk, as well as a searchable document to help you find specific references or topics.

Our By-Laws provides the specific rules of association governance.

Members wishing to make an architectural change to their property should refer to the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions and are required to submit an application through Inframark (Link below). Once you have logged on, go to requests, and submit an application be selectin "ARC Request".

Supplemental information is provided in the Community Manual.

Finally, members wishing to exchange information directly with one another may do so in Facebook, by applying for membership to the closed group "Brodie Springs HOA."

To check your account balance and/or make a payment, please visit Smartwebs at the link below.

Update your account information:

2023 Annual Meeting Agenda 

Current Committees

Architectural Committee (ARC)

Rob Amoroso, Elliott Garofalo, Peter Gilfillan

Social Committee

Katy Domuczicz, Lauren Bean, Lindsay Heide

© 2017 by Brodie Springs HOA. Created with

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